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Use John The Ripper to crack password hashes

first unshadow your passwd and shadow files

../run/unshadow ~/tmp/passwd ~/tmp/shadow > ~/tmp/unshadow
john ~/tmp/unshadow
john --fork=8 ~/tmp/unshadow
john --show ~/tmp/unshadow

ubuntu dependencies

sudo apt install libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin

centos dependencies / preparation:

yum install openmpi-devel openmpi openssl-devel 
module load mpi/openmpi-x86_64

get source and compile:

tar xvf 1.9.0-Jumbo-1.tar.gz 
cd john-1.9.0-Jumbo-1/src
./configure --enable-mpi
make -s clean && make -sj4

now run it :)

mpirun -np 8 -host localhost,localhost,localhost,localhost,localhost,localhost,localhost,localhost ../run/john ~/tmp/unshadow

to check the progress run

kill -USR1 $(pidof mpirun)

download and install cuda if you haven't already

sudo sh
tar xvf 1.9.0-Jumbo-1.tar.gz 
cd john-1.9.0-Jumbo-1/src
./configure LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include

the summary should show that OpenCL support is now enabled (yes)

make -s clean && make -sj4

now let's run it :) here is an example where I ran john the ripper on a server with 8x NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti:

run/john --format=sha512crypt-opencl -dev=gpu -fork=8  ../root.unshadow

the –format option needs to be specified in order to use the GPU at all. without specifying a format, john will always default to the CPU implementation of the crypt algo. to figure out which format to use, start john without a format parameter and then look at the output to find the crypt that was used. now run

run/john --list=formats --format=opencl

to get a list of all crypts that support opencl. if you are lucky, the one you are looking for is in there as well :)

the -dev=gpu -fork=8 options are there to use all cards in parallel. this will fork 8 individual processes each working on their own range of passwords at a time and each on a different GPU. If you have multiple hosts with GPU you may use MPI for that.

John saves its status as it's working, so in case it crashes or you have to abort it because you need to work with your pc and don't want the cpu load on it for example, you can always resume the session and continue where John has left off.

BUT.. it is important that you specify the –restore option, otherwise john will start over again! To avoid accidently starting over and by doing so loosing all the previous compute time, it is advisable to give each session its own session name by using the –session:<name> parameter. By doing so, you can avoid overwriting the session in case you start another john session in the mean time.

so you would start john like this:

john --session:sess1 unshadow.txt

and then resume the session like so:

john --restore:sess1 

also the other commands like for example status accept a session name parameter:

john --status:sess1

if you press any key during the run, you will get a status showing you c/s (crypts per second). here are a few numbers from the systems i had access to at the moment of writing this article:

CPU / GPU c/s rate method used
8-core i7-8809G CPU 7'500 OpenMP
128-core (2 socket) AMD ROME 7742 150'000 OpenMP
8 x GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 8×190'000 Fork
  • use_john_the_ripper_to_crack_password_hashes.1612127487.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 31.01.2021 22:11
  • by Pascal Suter