and add this to Additional Boards Manger URLs: http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json
Tools-Boards…-Boards Manager…
and enter ESP
into the search. now install the esp8266
module and close that window. Board: "Generic ESP8266 Module" <<<<!!!! Flash Mode: "DOUT" <<<<!!!! Flash Size: "1M (no SPIFFS)" <<<<!!!! Debug Port: "Disabled" Debug Level: "None" LwIP Variant: "v1.4 Prebuilt" <<<<!!! Reset Method: "ck" Crystal Frequency: "26 MHz" Flash Frequency: "40MHz" Upload Using: "Serial" CPU Frequency: "80 MHz" Upload Speed: "115200" Port: Your COM port connected to sonoff
Board: "Wemos D1 R2" Flash Size: "4M (1M SPIFFS)"
leave the rest to the defaults