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digitalstrom_mqtt_gateway_in_a_docker_container [06.07.2024 09:47] Pascal Suterdigitalstrom_mqtt_gateway_in_a_docker_container [06.07.2024 09:47] (current) Pascal Suter
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 ====== DigitalSTROM MQTTG Gateway in a Docker container ====== ====== DigitalSTROM MQTTG Gateway in a Docker container ======
-**this is WIP**  
 this is how i set up Chriss Gross' [[|MQTT bridge]] to run inside a node docker container. i have also slightly modified his script to use authentication and to allow setting the ''qos'' in the config file as well. in addition to that i have written a wrapper script in bash that will constantly (as in every second) check when the last contact was established to the dss server. if that's too long ago, it will restart the bridge. this was necessary because otherwise the bridge script would not recognize when it had lost the connection to the dss server (i.e. because of a network outage or because the dss has been restarted or whatever other reason there might be) and it would need a manual intervention. this script fixed this issue for me pretty reliably.   this is how i set up Chriss Gross' [[|MQTT bridge]] to run inside a node docker container. i have also slightly modified his script to use authentication and to allow setting the ''qos'' in the config file as well. in addition to that i have written a wrapper script in bash that will constantly (as in every second) check when the last contact was established to the dss server. if that's too long ago, it will restart the bridge. this was necessary because otherwise the bridge script would not recognize when it had lost the connection to the dss server (i.e. because of a network outage or because the dss has been restarted or whatever other reason there might be) and it would need a manual intervention. this script fixed this issue for me pretty reliably.  
  • digitalstrom_mqtt_gateway_in_a_docker_container.txt
  • Last modified: 06.07.2024 09:47
  • by Pascal Suter