====== Keepass and Owncloud ====== The original Keepass2 client allows you to use webdav as storage backend for the keepass file where all the passwords are stored. however, it seems to be a bit tricky to get https to work with keepass2 under linux (ubuntu in my case). there is one simple solution to all this, use [[https://keepassxc.org/download/#linux|KeepassXC]] which is a very nice kepass client and it supports webdav out of the box with no issues whatsoever.. also read my other article on [[keepass_as_ssh_agent_with_auto-login_using_gnome_keyring|how to enable auto-unlocking the keepass db upon login and using it as a ssh key storage]] further more, install the [[https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/keepassxc-browser/oboonakemofpalcgghocfoadofidjkkk?hl=en|chrome plugin for keepassXC]] to also use it as a password storage for your browser.