====== Getting started with Laravel ====== after writing almost no PHP code for the last about 10 years, i decided it's time to learn some laravel, to get back on the wagon. These are my notes along the way of learning Laravel ans an old PHP programmer. As an initial overview I watched the [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4cUxeGkcC9hL6aCFKyagrT1RCfVN4w2Q|Laravel 6 for Beginners Playlist]] of [[https://www.youtube.com/c/TheNetNinja|The Net Ninja]] and i have to say, i like the way he structures his tutoral and i also like his accent.. makes me smile all the time ;) The tutorial was published in January 2020, i am watching it now in November 2020. The tutoral covers Laravel 6, i have now installed Laravel 8 on my machine and they have changed from using bootstrap to using Laravel Jetstream and Tailwind. Bootstrap can still be used which is what i am doing, because i like the bootstrap style and i want to customize some open source scripts which are based on boostrap + laravel. so i don't care about Tailwind and Jetstream for the moment. as with most successful programming languages and frameworks, Laravel seems to provide a good documentation. just go to the [[https://laravel.com|Laravel webpage]] and click on documentation.. the documentation link contains the version number, hence i won't hard link it here as it seems this would be obsolete in a few months anyway :) ===== Laravel installation (on Ubuntu 20.04 with Apache2) ===== I don't care or like the included web-server in laravel for development.. it isn't that much work to set up a proper webserver like you would have on your productive environment, so why not develop with a close to production environment as possible, so you can fix issues beforehand? installing laravel is pretty straight forward.. I first [[setup_adminer_phpmyadmin_alternative#ubuntuif_you_start_with_a_plain_installatin|Installed Adminer on a plain ubuntu installation]] which depends on everything you need to have a fully working Linux + Apache + PHP + MariaDB (MySQL) Web-Server. I then installed [[https://certbot.eff.org/|certbot]] and used it to configure apache for ssl and also create a set of signed certificates from Let's Encrypt. They provide free SSL certificates which are valid for I think 30 days only but certbot takes care of the autoamtic renewal, so in the end this is a better solution than a long-time certificate which you have to renew manually as soon as you have forgotten what you did when you originally set it up .. with certbot, you set up your SSL certs and the auto-renewal service once and then forget about it forever, and forgetting things is something i'm really good at :) snap install --classic certbot certbot --apache I want to edit the webpages as a regular user on the server, so i symlinked ''/var/www'' to my home directory. I also change-owned ''/var/www'' with all its sub-directories and files to my own user. after that I've installed composer to install laravel using my regular user: sudo apt install php-xml php-mbstring cd www composer global require laravel/installer nano ~/.profile add this line to the end: PATH="${PATH}:~/.config/composer/vendor/bin" also execute this on the terminal to continue without logging out and in again: export PATH="${PATH}:~/.config/composer/vendor/bin" edit the apache config in ''/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default-le-ssl.conf'' and add this section under the ''DocumentRoot'' directive: Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride All Order allow,deny allow from all Require all granted create first project cd www laravel new mysite install nvm, npm and node.js as well as yarn **as root**: export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="/opt" apt install curl gnupg2 curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/nvm-sh/nvm/releases/latest | grep "tag_name" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d ' ",')/install.sh | bash echo 'export NVM_DIR="'$XDG_CONFIG_HOME'/nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion' > /etc/profile.d/nvm.sh source /etc/profile.d/nvm.sh nvm install node curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add - echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list apt update && apt install --no-install-recommends yarn now **back to the regular user** to install bootstarp cd ~/www/mysite composer require laravel/ui php artisan ui bootstrap npm install npm run dev now comes something that we would not have had to do if we where running the laravel built-in dev server as unprivileged user.. we now run into some privilege issues because the web-server is running as ''www-data'' and I am using a different user to edit the files in ''/var/www''. All files are readable to the web-browser but they aren't writeable and that is a problem when it comes to laravel's log directory and bootstrap's cache directory, so we have to fix the permissions in there: and fix the permissions (''storage'' and ''bootstrap/cache'' have to be writeable for the web-server) sudo chgrp -R www-data mysite sudo chmod -R ug+rwx mysite/storage mysite/bootstrap/cache now adjust the ''DocumentRoot'' in your apache configs to point to ''/var/www/mysite/public'' systemctl reload apache2 ===== Basics ===== Laravel follows the Model View Controller design principle.. where the View is basically your GUI, the Webpage in this case, the Model handles storing and reading your data.. so that's your database and some PHP scripts to access the database and retrieve Entries from it, and the Controller is the glue between the two, that's where your actual program logic happens.. the controller does something with the data and passes the result to the View. **artisan** is a helper utility, it is a php cli script which is stored in the root of your Laravel project and on linux systems it is executable. so artisan can be called simply by typing ''./artisan'' in the root directory of the Laravel project. on ther systems one may need to run ''php artisan''. **Blades** (stored in ''resources/views/*.blade.php'' by default) are templates for generating the Webpage, or the View. They have their own templating language. The simplest example is {{ $var }} which in PHP would be something like '''' so it html encodes the contents of ''$var'' and prints it in-place where this expression is written. Blades also have some control structures and much more. **Public folder** ''public/'' is the directory that is set up as your ''DocumetnRoot'' so that's the only directory that is visible to the outside. This means, that's where all your images and custom css go! **Routes** (stored in ''routes/*.php'' by default) are needed to assign a URL to a View. look at the ''web.php'' file which contains an example route for a ''get'' request to ''/'' and forwards it to the ''weclome'' blade. the ''get'' from ''Route::get()'' actually means that it should handle a ''GET'' request.. so that's not a getter function for any type of route!. routes can also contain parameters which are passed as http parameters (like in ''index.php?parameter=abc'') using the function ''$myvar = request('parameter')'' or parameters can be passed as positional arguments in urls like ''/users/1234/comments/233'' where ''1234'' is the user-id and ''233'' is a comment id. this would be parsed using ''Route:get('/users/{uid}/comments/{cid}', function ( $myId,$commentId )....'' which passes whatever is behind ''users/'' in your url as the first argument and whatever is behind ''comments/'' as your second argument to your controller function. So the order of '{uid}' and '{cid}' is also the order in which the arguments are passed on to the controller function. The names of these placehoders don't matter for this purpose. they only come into play if you want to use some more advanced things like add a condition to the route using ''Route::get(..)->where('name','[A-Za-z]+');'' for example to filter out invalid URL's even before calling the controller. **Layouts** (stored in ''resources/views/layouts/*.blade.php'' by best practice) basically a blade that contains common elements of multiple other blades is called a layout, like the http header and footer part.. a layout isn't simply included into the other blades.. instead, a blade for a view contains a ''@extends(layouts.mylayout)'' at the beining which would load the file ''resources/views/layouts/mylayout.blade.php''. also the main view template blade now needs to contain sections. a section named "content" would start with ''@section('content')'' and end with ''@endsection''. Now ''mylayout'' file can insert such a section at a given place by using the ''@yield('content')'' directive. so it's a little more complicated than a simple include, but also a lot more flexible as a result. **Controllers** (stored in ''app/Http/Controllers/*.php'' by default) are, well, the controllers :) they are usually called by the route script and return an array of data to the blade that is called by the function. A new controller is created using ''artisan make:controller MyController'' (it is a naming convention, that the controller name should start with a captial letter). To call a function of the Controller, the route file ''web.php'' for example contains a line like ''Route::get('/users/{id}', 'UserController@show');'' which calles the show function in user controller and passes a argument ''$id=1234'' in the above example. the show function in the UserController typically then returns a view just like the ''Route::get()'' example in the ''web.php file''. **database connections** are configured in ''.env'' in your project root directory. by default laravel is configured to use mysql on localhost. so just create a new database and a user for it and adjust the config in ''.env'' **migrations** (stored in ''database/migrations/*.php'') define database tables that laravel will create for us. so instead of manually adding new database tables to the database or adding fields to a table, we create or adjust migration php scripts. they have a ''up()'' and ''down()'' method. the ''up()'' method contains the definition of what is to be created when the migration is made, the ''donw()'' method contains the reverse action, so usually a drop command of some sorts. migrations are created by using ''artisan make:migration create_mytable_table'' where ''mytable'' is the name of my new table. this will crate a template migration. to then execute the migration and actually create the database tables you have to run ''artisan migrate''. to revert migrations, there are several options which can be seen by running ''artisan migrate:'' which lists all migrate commands. the most important during development is probably ''artisan migrate:fresh'' however, whenever a migration is rolled back, it essentially deletes the table, so that also deletes all the data in it. if you don't want to delete the data in the table and simply want to add one or more fields, you don't change the existing migration, instead you create a new migration for example ''artisan make:migration add_myfield_to_mytable_table'' the ''add .. to .. table'' portion is important.. artisan will understand tha and create a template for you which does exactly that, so you simply have to edit that file and add your field definition(s), then run ''artisan migrate'' and your field is added. **eloquent models** (saved in ''app/Providers/*.php'' by default) contain the definition of the Model in our MVC. An eloquent model extends a class which provides functions like ''get()'', ''find()'' and such to get and manipulate database data. so through these eloquent models you access the database tables. new models can be created using artisan: ''artisan make:MyModel'' where ''MyModel'' is the name of the new eloquent model class to be created to access a certain table. The standard naming convention is that a table should be named in the plural of whatever it contains, i.e. "users" and the model should then be named in the singular form with a capital letter, i.e. "User". Laravel will by default take the Model's name and pluralize it (in english) and convert it to lower case to set the database name. this may not always lead to very readable code. therefore the table name can be overwritten by defining the protected variable ''protected $table='myTable'';' in the Model class definition for example. \\ To use a model in a controller we have to add ''use App\MyModel;'' at the beginning of our controller. we can then use ''$somevar=MyModel::all()'' to get all entries from our table for example. ''$somevar'' will be an array of objects in this case. To search for an entry we can use i.e. ''MyModel::where('field','value')->get()'' which will return all entries where the field ''field'' has the value ''value''.. notice how we needed to call the ''get()'' method of the returned object to get our array of objects of entries. **processing post requests** first of all we need a form to post some data. we can use a normal html form, but we need to add a directive ''@csrf'' in the blade just after the form tag. this is to prevent cross site request forging. laravel will automatically take care of providing a token to verify a form from our webpage was used from a valid session, so nobody can to post some date by hijaking a user session of an authenticated user for example. To process the POST request we now need the ''post()'' method rather than the ''get()'' method in our route and the controller method that is being called by the route is usually called ''store()''. The Controller does not return a view, insead it returns a redirect to a view. this is probably to prevent reload issues. we can pass arguments to a redirect by using session variables. they can be added by using somethig like ''return redirect('')->with('sessvar','value')'' where ''sessvar'' is the name of a session variable to be used to pass ''value'' to the blade. in the blade, use {{ session('sessvar') }} to output our value.
to access the form data in the controller use the ''request('')'' function. then just create a new Model object like ''$pizza=new Pizza()'' and add properties to it like you would to any object: ''$pizza->name = request('name');'' for example. in the end use the ''$pizza->save()'' function to save the new entry. **processing delete requests** are like posts, but we can't set the form method to ''DELETE'' so we need to use a blade function ''@method('DELETE')'' just after the form tag. **sessions and flashing data** in laravel we can either store data into our session, like in normal php.. we can do this either via the ''session()'' helper which will save new key=>value pairs when it is passed an array as argument like ''session(['newkey',$someVar])'' for example. to get ''$someVar'' back we would use the helper like ''$someVar=session('newkey')''. alternatively, we can use an instance of the ''Request'' class and the ''put()'' and ''get()'' functions for the ''session'' property like so: ''$request->session()->put('tmpfiles',$tmpfiles);'' and vice versa ''$tmpfiles = $request->session()->get('tmpfiles',[]);'' notice a nice feature of the ''get()'' method: we can pass a default value as a second argument which will be returned in case the session variable is not set. that's pretty helpful. Session variables are also available in blades by using the ''session()'' helper like above.
a specialty in laravel is, that we can **flash** data to a session. flashing means, that the data will only remain in the session for the next request. after that it will either be unset or we need to **reflash** to keep the flashed variables. to flash a variable to a session, we do the same as above with the ''get()'' function but now use a ''flash()'' method, that's it. ===== Relations ===== relations are defined in the Model by adding a new public function to it. of course the migration must also contain the necessary fields to build the relations. the convention is to use something like $table->foreignId('job_id')->constrained(); which will automatically define a foreing ID in the current table that is linked to the ''jobs'' (plural) table's ''id'' field. the ''constrained()'' method at the end is there to tell laravel to create a constraint in MySQL for this relationship. so here is how various relationships are defined in the model for the respective table(s) ==== 1:1 relationships ==== here's an example.. the ''assessments'' table contains a field ''job_id'' defined like above, which links to a single job out of the ''jobs'' table: in the **Assessment Model** we write: public function job(){ return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Job'); } and vice versa, in the **Job Model** we write: public function assessment(){ return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Job'); } now we can simply access the job via the assessment by using something like ''$assessment->job->name'' and vice versa we can get a property from the assessment via the job like so ''$job->assessment->overview'' ===== Naming Conventions ===== I'm going to use the examples of the above mentioned YouTube Series here, which is all about a pizza place :) * Model Name: Pizza * Table Name: pizzas * Controller Name: PizzaController * to return the main ''/pizzas'' view: ''index'' called from controller@method ''PizzaController@index'' in the route * to return a single pizza entry from a url like ''/pizzas/{id}'': view ''show'' called from controller@method ''PizzaController@show'' in the route * to create a new entry into the pizzas table: view ''create'' called from controller@method ''PizzaController@create'' in the route * to process a POST request: **no view** (instead use a '' return redirect('');'' in the controller) in controller@method ''PizzaController@store'' in the route * to show a success message, we can either create a separate view, or, more elegantly, pass an argument to our show or index view and redirect to that view. * to process a DELETE request: **no view** in controller@method ''PizzaController@destroy'' in the route * The Blades for a given folder in the url should be saved to a sub-folder with the same name * the "index" view, i.e. returning all pizzas should therefore be saved to ''resources/views/pizzas/index.blade.php'' and a view that shows a single pizza should be saved to ''resources/views/pizzas/show.blade.php'' as data will be provided through the controllers ''show()'' function. * in the ''return view()'' statement in the controller's function we would then pass ''pizzas.index'' as an argument. note how the ''/'' was replaced by a ''.'' .. this also means, that the sub directories should not contain ''.'' characters! * foreign keys in should be named in the singular, lowercase and underscored form of the target table plus ''_id'' appended to it. so for example ''notebook_part_id'' if the target table is ''notebook_parts'' or ''pizza_id'' if the target table is ''pizzas'' ===== Form validation ===== Laravel provides a nice Method for validating forms. Typically the validator is added in the Controller ''store()'' method. here is an example: public function store(Request $request){ $validData = $request->validate([ 'name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'], 'email' => ['required', 'string', 'email', 'max:255', 'unique:users'], 'password' => ['required', 'string', 'min:8', 'confirmed'], ]); // anything from here on will only be executed if the above validation was successful } there are many [[https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/validation#available-validation-rules|validation rules]] available already in Laravel and custom rules can be added if needed. also note, that the ''$validData'' variable now contains an array with the validated data in a format that is compatible with the ''create'' methods for the laravel models. So if you set up your model's ''$fillable'' property correctly and your form field names correspond to your database field names, you can pass this array straight to the ''create()'' method of your model and create a new database entry like that! now here are a few cool things about the validator: * if it finds an invalid field, it will stop right there and laravel will show you the form page again without any further routes needed. * in addition to bringing the user back to the form, laravel will provide an ''$error'' variable which can be used in the balde * even better, there is a ''@error(fieldname)'' blade syntax which will do whatever follows after it if the specified field is invalid * you also get a ''old(fieldname)'' function which you can use to populate your input fields with the original inputs, so the user won't have to enter eveything again.. see the eample below. here's an example part of a (bootstrap based) blade with a form that will show some info if the validation fails: @if ($errors->any()) @endif
Please enter your name here
===== Tricks ===== ==== dump / dump and die ==== this has to be the first tip :) .. there is a helper function called ''dd()'' which stands for ''dump and die''. it dumps a variable and then stops further execution of the script. this is of course extremely helpful when learning stuff and trying out things. you may not always want to stop the execution, so another helper called ''dump()'' comes in handy here. it produces the same output but contines the execution of your script to use those helpers in a blade, there are special blade syntax helpers available which make it even easier: @dump($__data) for example dumps all defined variables. there is also a ''@dd()'' helper available. note that using {{ dump($__data) }} won't work. there is a detailed explanation why [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48731507/laravel-dump-unexpected-output|on stackexchange]] ==== Create Model + Controller + Migration all in one step ==== artisan make:model Pizza -mc this creates the model, **m**igration and **c**ontroller all at once and puts names according to the above conventions in place. ==== saving JSON in a MySQL table ==== a newer feature of MySQL is the ability to store a complete dataset into a table field, sort of like NoSQL style databases do. **Migration** $table->json('dataset'); inside the **Model**, define a protected variable called ''$casts'' which defines what type a table field should be cast to when **reading** from the database. so for example to get the JSON content cast to an array you would write something like this: class Pizza extends Model { protected $casts = [ 'dataset' => 'array' ]; } this will convert JSON to an array when reading from the database and it will automatically do the oposite conversion when writing into the database. ==== using bootstrap 4 with laravel 8 ==== by default laravel 8 uses Tailwind was their CSS framework. If you want to use Bootstarp however, you can. you can install it like so: - you will need to install NPM and node through one of the many channels on your system - install the bootstrap ui module for laravel through composercomposer require laravel/ui - install bootstrap through artisan (add the ''--auth'' option if you want authorization to be setup as well: artisan ui bootstrap --auth - follow the onscreen instructions and run the necessary npm instructions npm install && npm run dev ==== passing variables from content blades to layouts ==== if you have your header saved to a layout which is ''@extends''-ed by all your pages, you might want to pass a few arguments like your page title or a specific background image along from the main content blade to the layout. So far i've found two ways to do that.. === 1.) pass arguments through the @extends function === the ''@extends'' function allows to pass an array of variables down to the layout. So in our main content blade we would have something like @extends('layouts.mylaout', [ 'title' => "Details for ".$section->name, 'image' => 'section_details.jpg' ]) and in the layout you would then simply use {{ $title }} to echo the title you passed along. === 2.) create a mini-section === you could also use sections for this, create a mini section which just contains the title string in your main content blade: @section('title',"Details for ".$section->name) @section('image','section_details.jpg') and in your layout you would then use ''@yield('title')'' and ''@yield('image')'' respectively honestly i haven't found out which solution is better yet. ===== Examples ===== These examples are all taken from the [[https://github.com/iamshaunjp/laravel-beginners-tutorial|net ninja's githup site]] for the course linked above. ==== routes ==== Route::get('/pizzas', 'PizzaController@index')->name('pizzas.index')->middleware('auth'); Route::get('/pizzas/create', 'PizzaController@create')->name('pizzas.create'); Route::post('/pizzas', 'PizzaController@store')->name('pizzas.store'); Route::get('/pizzas/{id}', 'PizzaController@show')->name('pizzas.show')->middleware('auth'); Route::delete('/pizzas/{id}', 'pizzaController@destroy')->name('pizzas.destroy')->middleware('auth'); ==== controller ==== public function index() { $pizzas = Pizza::latest()->get(); return view('pizzas.index', [ 'pizzas' => $pizzas, ]); } public function show($id) { $pizza = Pizza::findOrFail($id); return view('pizzas.show', ['pizza' => $pizza]); } public function create() { return view('pizzas.create'); } public function store() { $pizza = new Pizza(); $pizza->name = request('name'); $pizza->type = request('type'); $pizza->base = request('base'); $pizza->toppings = request('toppings'); $pizza->save(); return redirect('/')->with('mssg', 'Thanks for your order!'); } public function destroy($id) { $pizza = Pizza::findOrFail($id); $pizza->delete(); return redirect('/pizzas'); }